Coloured cycle lane surface to improve safety at junctions

Elswick Road, Newcastle



Newcastle City Council


Rainton Construction

Location type

Elswick Road, Newcastle


February 2019

The challenge

As part of the city’s ten year Cycling Improvements strategy, Newcastle City Council were awarded funding from the Department of Transport City Cycle Ambition Fund to encourage to improve cycle infrastructure and encourage more local people to use sustainable forms of transport. They required a surfacing material to provide clear demarcation at junctions along the Western Cycle Route in the city From Whicham View to Elswick road. The new surface needed to be durable and low-maintenance and allow cycling in all seasons and weather conditions. It also needed to provide clear demarcation at road junctions from the main highway to keep cyclists separate and safe from other road users. 

Our solution

The Council have selected ULTICOLOUR Classic Green for improved demarcation where cycle lane crosses junctions. ULTICOLOUR coloured asphalts are BBA HAPAS accredited for use on UK highways as a coloured thin surface course and have been used on UK roads for over 15 years. They have demonstrating impressive durability and long term performance, even on heavily trafficked routes such as bus lanes. Green 10 mm classic Green was supplied last year to Rainton Construction the product was specified by Newcastle City council for the Western Cycle route in the city From Whicham View to Elswick road at road junctions to highlight the route. 

Results and benefits

Work was completed as planned, with sections of the existing surface course planed out and replaced with ULTICOLOUR in a distinctive green colour. Road markings were added to identify the route as a cycleway. The new surface has helped to improve safety at key junctions on this cycle route, and send a clear message to other road users that cyclists are to be given priority. It has also helped to raise the profile of the cycle route with local road users so that cycling is considered as a safe and credible transport option. 

Learn More about ULTICOLOUR
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Asphalt contact

Ulticolour case studies