Resurfacing cracked asphalt footpaths, residential street

Barwell, Leicestershire



Leicestershire County Council


Tarmac Contracting

Location type

Residential Street


February 2013

The challenge

The local authorities in Leicestershire were faced with ageing footpaths damaged by tree roots, pavement parked cars and shifting paving stones. The busy housing estate footpaths were causing health and safety risks to the public and presenting the council with risk of compensation claims from trips and falls. A quick and cost effective asphalt solution was requested with the added priority of durability and maintenance free performance.

Our solution

Working in partnership with Leicestershire County Council we identified a single layer asphalt solution. The design would mean quicker laying, a tighter surface finish and denser compaction. With public safety and disruption of the footpaths a priority, ULTIFASTPATH offered an alternative to conventional footway construction that would minimise disruption and time taken on site. Ongoing liaison with the client and local residents throughout the works ensured smooth completion of the project and that the works areas were free from cars throughout the laying period.

Results and benefits

ULTILFASTPATH has demonstrated excellent performance to date, with no signs of deformation or surface cracking. For this contract we installed the material in a single layer of 50mm rather than the conventional two layers. This resulted in two days less on site and 100 tonnes less material used to complete the work. As less material was used the council was able to keep a tight control on budgets while keeping environmental impact as low as possible. The completed work has delivered a significantly more durable surface than traditional two layer products.

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Additional info

Fast single layer footpath replacement

Single layer resurfacing saved two days of programme time, minimising disruption to residents.

Reduction in materials

Thinner single layer approach reduced material requirement by 100 tonnes and simplified transport requirements.

Long term crack resistance

ULTIFASTPATH offers improved resistance to damage from vehicle parking and underlying ground movement.

Asphalt contact

ULTIFASTPATH case studies