Donation helps complete Cheshire Wellbeing Hub 

May 3, 2023

A wellbeing hub in Cheshire has opened its doors to the community, after a final grant from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund facilitated the finishing touches to an ambitious construction project. 

Kelsall Patient Participation Group (PPG) – which manages the new wellbeing centre – received a donation of £10,821 from the fund, allowing them to equip and furnish the recently constructed community building. 

The idea for the Kelsall Wellbeing Hub came during the planning process for Kelsall’s new medical centre, after doctors recognised that more was needed to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community, recommending that a dedicated space for community activities to be included as part of the design for the new centre. Unfortunately, there was no central NHS funding available for the project, which is when the PPG stepped in to help. 

Taking up the challenge in late 2018, the PPG commenced a series of fundraising activities, including the issue of community bonds, which successfully raised the £130,000 required to allow construction of an annexe, now known as The Wellbeing Hub. 

The Wellbeing Hub is a community funded facility that provides a welcoming space where locals can access a range of non-clinical support services and activities to enhance their mental and physical health.  

Humphrey Claxton, chair of the Kelsall PPG trustees, said: “It’s fantastic to see this project complete and to be able to provide so many different services to the local community. The donation from Tarmac has enabled us to equip and furnish the Hub with everything from Wellbeing Hub branded drinking mugs to outdoor furniture for Hub visitors to enjoy the sensory garden.” 

Steven Williams, quarry manager at Tarmac’s Crown Farm quarry, said: “We’re proud to have been able to help Kelsall PPG complete the Wellbeing Hub with a donation from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund. The project was a great community effort, and we hope local residents of all ages enjoy the new and improved facilities for years to come.” 

Through the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund, Tarmac donates around £1 million each year to community projects UK wide. The fund is open to applicants who meet the criteria for projects delivering community benefit. For more information, visit or email [email protected]