Leicester scouts go green thanks to donation from Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund

Thanks to the funding, energy-efficient air source heat pumps have been installed at the group’s recently refurbished base on Queniborough Road – which is home to beavers, cubs and scouts aged six to 14. The hall is also used by the wider community, hosting groups for new parents and older people, and fitness classes.  

Phil Iley, chair of Queniborough Scout Hall, said: “The scout group and the wider community are very grateful to Tarmac for their support in enabling us to install an eco-friendly heating system that is energy efficient and cost effective to run. 

“The old scout hall was cold and dismal. It was inefficient and expensive to heat – we had to turn the heat on two hours before a session to warm it up! The new hall is not only clean light and airy but keeps us warm and cool automatically.”  

Boosting energy efficiency and signalling lower fuel costs for the scouts, the intelligent new heating unit responds automatically to the building’s temperature and motion sensors, and can also be controlled remotely via an app. 

Rob Lees, operations manager at our nearby Mountsorrel Quarry, said: “It’s great to help local causes such as Queniborough Scouts, which are so important to young people locally. We’re pleased to have been able to help through the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund and fund this vital new heating system to keep the scouts and the wider community warm or cool all year round.”   

To find out more about the 25th Leicester (Queniborough) Scout Group, visit the Facebook page at Queniborough Scout Group or email [email protected].