Local MP visits Tarmac Aberthaw cement plant

Earlier this month, Tarmac’s Aberthaw cement plant was happy to welcome The Rt Hon Alun Cairns MP for a visit. A regular visitor to the site, Mr Cairns returned on 13 October for an update on the site and to hear more about the company’s roadmap to reach net zero by 2050.

Tarmac marks Black History Month with cultural awareness day  

  Tarmac employees came together to showcase unity and diversity during a recent cultural awareness day. With a focus on honouring Black history, the event brought colleagues together in a celebration of culture, heritage and learning.    Led by members of Tarmac’s REACH (religious, ethnic and cultural heritage) employee community, the day began with an engaging session from guest speaker, Romain Muhammad, founder of Diversify – an agency specialising in bridging the diversity, equity, and inclusion gap in the professional world.   Romain focussed on the significance of Black history, relaying profound stories and …

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