Rugby club tackles renovations thanks to Tarmac donation

April 18, 2023

Lutterworth Rugby Football Club, in Leicestershire, has been able to tackle much-needed renovations thanks to a £50,000 donation from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund. 

Founded in 1872 and consisting of over 800 members, Lutterworth RFC is the oldest rugby club in Leicestershire, and the second oldest in the Midlands. To increase capacity for new members and improve the facilities for existing players, an extensive redesign of the club premises has now been successfully completed.

Photo credit: Andrew Carpenter

Following the funding boost, the project involved constructing a single-storey extension to the pre-existing club building. Within the new extension are additional changing rooms – including two en-suite changing rooms – two playing equipment storage areas, with the capacity to convert them into two extra en-suite changing rooms if required, a rehabilitation area and two externally accessible toilets.


Mickayla Gibson, quarry manager at Tarmac’s nearby Shawell Quarry, said: “It’s wonderful that the donation has enabled Lutterworth Rugby Football Club to make substantial renovations to their facilities, that I’m sure will benefit the club and wider community.” 

Hannah Faulds, club secretary, said: “Without the support and generosity of the Tarmac Communities Landfill Fund, it would have been exceedingly difficult for Lutterworth Rugby Football Club to carry out such much-needed works. The extension allows the club to meet safeguarding and gender separation obligations, as well as generally enhancing the facilities for the well-being of all the club’s players. We are exceedingly grateful to Tarmac.”