Tarmac in the community: vintage car society secures funding for fence  

October 27, 2023

Lincolnshire Vintage Vehicle Society, which operates the Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum, has benefitted from a £9,400.80 grant from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund.

The funding has enabled the society – a registered charity responsible for the day-to-day running of the museum – to replace worn and damaged fencing onsite.

Founded in 1959 by a group of local people with the aim of preserving local vehicles of historic interest, Lincolnshire Vintage Vehicle Society is run entirely by volunteers. Learn more about its work via: https://www.lvvs.org.uk/

The Landfill Communities Fund was established by the Government in 1996. It enables landfill operators to donate part of their annual tax liability to enrolled Environmental Bodies for a variety of approved community and environmental projects. Through the fund, Tarmac donates around £1 million to projects each year. For more information, visit www.entrust.org.uk or email [email protected]