Tarmac employees and their families turned their hand to art for a creative competition to celebrate inspirational women, past and present.
Marking both International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, the business encouraged the children of its employees to research an inspirational woman and produce a poster reflecting their work, achievements or contribution to humankind. The contest was open to the children of Tarmac employees aged 16 and under.
With an array of creative posters submitted from across the business, an employee vote saw Amelia, aged eight, the daughter of Alistair McBeath – general manager, materials – chosen as the overall winner. Amelia researched and portrayed the life and achievements of pioneering nurse Mary Seacole in her winning poster.
Winner Amelia and two successful runners up were awarded prizes from UK–based, female-owned businesses.
Well done to all the children of Tarmac employees who participated in the contest.
Take a look at some of the entries, as featured below.