Tarmac set to participate in net zero carbon webcast event

October 19, 2020

Tarmac is set to participate in an industry-leading webcast event that will discuss and explore the challenges and opportunities for net zero carbon in the construction sector.

As part of Skanska’s The Future of Construction series, Jeremy Greenwood, Tarmac managing director, national commercial and construction solutions, will be among the guest speakers taking part in the digital event alongside senior representatives from UK Green Building Council and HS2, as well as Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees.

The live broadcast, taking place and streaming online at 11.00am on Tuesday 20 October, will be hosted by BBC News presenter Maryam Moshiri and Skanska UK’s president and CEO Gregor Craig and will cover a range of different viewpoints related to low carbon construction.

Commenting ahead of the event, Jeremy Greenwood said: “Skanska’s event and panel discussion will provide an excellent and timely opportunity to talk about one of the most pressing issues currently facing the construction sector.”

“For a long time now at Tarmac we’ve been fully committed to supporting the transition to a net zero carbon economy and have already implemented extensive changes across our business, working practices and product portfolio.

“I’m therefore looking forward to discussing with the panel the challenges, opportunities and crucial role that materials suppliers can play in the journey to net zero together with practical advice that industry partners and customers can take now to cut carbon and make more sustainable choices.”

Further information and details about how to register for the event are available here: