Tee off for new look at Buxton Golf Club thanks to Tarmac

June 22, 2021

Golfers in Buxton are enjoying new and improved facilities at the 130-year-old Buxton and High Peak Golf Club after receiving funding from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund.

The club received two grants over the last two years, totalling £62,000, which has seen the installation of a short six-hole course and refurbishment of the locker room facilities.

Completed in early 2020, the new course is open to everyone – with artificial grass meaning it can be used all year round. A refurbishment of the locker room space was completed in earlier this year, when the club took advantage of this year’s lockdown to revamp the 30-year-old facilities including washroom, toilets and shower room.

Bob Scott, club chairman, said: “The Buxton and High Peak Golf Club is extremely grateful to Tarmac for its very generous support of these projects which will provide great benefits to members and the wider Buxton community.”

Pete Butterworth, stone and powders director at Tarmac’s Tunstead quarry, said: “We are very pleased that this local club has been awarded a grant from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund. We operate several sites locally, including Tunstead, Hindlow and Ballidon, so it’s great to be able to support community projects in these areas.

“The new short course will really boost the club’s appeal and attract more people to give golf a try. The locker room facilities are now significantly improved, enhancing the club for both members and visitors alike.”