ULTISHIELD is a fuel resisting asphalt.
Using an advanced modified binder and high quality aggregate, ULTISHIELD is a super dense SMA that delivers enhanced toughness and fuel resistance in hostile environments. It is faster to lay than concrete, ULTISHIELD offers maximum performance with minimal operational delays. This makes it the first choice solution for commercial environments from service stations to retail parks to bus stations and taxi ranks.
ULTISHIELD is a specialist commercial asphalt for taxi ranks, service stations, lay-bys, bus stops, car parks, retail parks and distribution centres.
ULTISHIELD is one of Tarmac's Ultimate range of high performance asphalts.

Where can ULTISHIELD be used?
Fuel resisting asphalt for car parks
Improved durability and resistance to fuel spillage makes ULTISHIELD asphalt the ideal choice for car parks.
Fuel resisting asphalt for service stations
ULTISHIELD asphalt the ideal choice for motorway service stations. It has improved durability and resistance to fuel spillage.
Long lasting asphalt surface for bus stops
Bus stops are a challenge for conventional asphalts. ULTISHIELD's durability makes it the ideal asphalt for bus stops.
Long lasting asphalt surface for taxi ranks
Using conventional asphalt on taxi ranks is a real challenge. ULTISHIELD is a long lasting asphalt surface designed for use on taxi ranks.
Long lasting asphalt surface for retail parks
The modified binder in ULTISHIELD reduces softening in hot weather and damage from fuel and oil. ULTISHIELD is ideal for retail parks.
Fuel resisting asphalt for shopping centres
ULTISHIELD is a longer lasting surface for shopping centres. The modified binder in ULTISHIELD reduces softening in hot weather and damage from potential fuel and oil spillage.
Guarantees and accreditation

*5 year guarantee potentially available through our accredited contractor scheme
Additional info
Busy commercial environments like service stations, bus stations and retail parks present a formidable challenge to paved asphalt surfaces. The combined impact of fuel damage, from standing traffic and surface abrasion can often defeat conventional asphalts, resulting in repairs or resurfacing delays. To meet this challenge, Tarmac has created a dense and durable asphalt designed to offer enhanced toughness and fuel resisting properties.
ULTISHIELD is a dense engineered stone mastic asphalt that has been designed to resist the mechanical stresses associated with heavily trafficked industrial environments subject to high turning stresses and/or fuel spillages. Using high grade aggregate and a modified binder it achieves a dense finish with outstanding durability.
A 10mm asphalt laid in a 40mm layer, ULTISHIELD combines high quality aggregates and an advanced fuel resisting binder, in a dense asphalt that stays stronger for longer.
ULTISHIELD offers exceptional fuel resistance. When exposed to fuel and oil, bitumen in traditional asphalts will rapidly degrade, reducing cohesive strength, loosening aggregate and seriously compromising the durability of the surface. The modified binder used in ULTISHIELD resists damage from fuel spillage. This means that ULTISHIELD maintains its durable finish for longer.
ULTISHIELD offers better resistance to deformation and abrasion. Heavy vehicle traffic can present a challenge for any asphalt surface. When this surface has already been weakened by fuel damage this can result in rapid deterioration and time consuming repairs. The modified binder and dense structure of ULTISHIELD provides a rigid and highly durable surface that minimises long term maintenance.
ULTISHIELD is just one of the many specialist asphalt products available from Tarmac.
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